Sunday, February 27, 2011

Getting Ceramic Magnets India

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Fingers: digital tablets in the classroom "is a experience being being implemented in the CEO Miguel Delibes de Macotera (Salamanca), at the request of the International Centre for Advanced Technologies Ruipérez Germain Sanchez Foundation, within the Territory e-Book project. Amplify

This is the explanation of the project by José Luis Sánchez Rodríguez.
unabated, affecting the field of ICT. There are laudable examples of sites that have
made great strides in incorporating ICT in the classroom, and teachers involved to
innovation have made the center of their teaching.

The appearance in the technology market of digital tablets calls opens a path in uncharted displayed some interesting items on its application
education: portability, connectivity, multi-functionality, integration of multimedia elements
, ability to participate in networks social and creating collaborative documents,
device customization, intuitive interface, ease of

management ... Test these devices in actual learning conditions to assess its possible
educational potential, analyze its impact, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and generate ideas on
educational use are the goals of "Fingers: digital tablets in the classroom

The project ends in June 2011 with 23 students from 5th and 6th grade and 4 º ESO
and has unconditional involvement of four teachers at this school. All subjects
has provided a tablet which may provide full-time throughout the duration
the project.

Strategically, we think using the digital tablet can be a facilitator
to the new methodological concept advocated by the so-called Education 2.0, which implies a model
teaching more participatory and open, horizontal, which
encourage teachers and students, encouraging the use of teaching tools that are already showing
advantages as forums, blogs or social networks because they can provide a complement
teaching of great potential and add a plus
attraction for students.

The "Fingers: digital tablets in the classroom" is built around a
Virtual Platform, developed Moodle, which is the backbone of it, at
arise as a reference area, a discussion forum, a service area, a meeting point
and a repository of content that are generated along the

For the development of the experience we are focusing on proposals simple and cross-cutting to allow the use of the tablet without technical problems for the student or teacher. In addition, teachers work the generation of content by the students themselves, writing, word processing multimedia content creation audio (podcast) and, finally, test those applications that may be of interest to address the educational materials they agree at all times. Along the way, we will work concepts such as searching for information, documentation ahead of the presentation of a paper or network navigation.

believe that all these elements will provide sufficient information
towards the assessment of the educational possibilities of the tablet, ergonomics,
the possible motivation of the students and their qualities as a tool for change
propitiatory methodological classrooms.

Ultimately, the education of the future at your fingertips. It
can follow the evolution of the experience through the blog "

Fingers: Tablet computer in the classroom


From here I thank those responsible for the CITA for providing this information to disseminate. No doubt that the tablets are the future of innovation in the classroom.
Tablet computer in the classroom

View presentations from more International Advanced Technology Center. FGSR
This presentation explains what they do with the tablets in the classroom.
What we do with the tablet

View presentations from more International Advanced Technology Center. FGSR
Video presentation of the project:



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