Title: Justice League of America
Publisher: DC
Date: November 2007 to August 2008
Writer: Dwayne McDuffie and Alan Burnett (# 17 - # 20)
Drawings: Ed Benes and other artists who performed numbers like fill Joe Benitez, Ethan Van Sciver and Carlos Pacheco
I've never been a big fan, to say nothing of the super groups. I tried it in different stages of my life with the Avengers, the various leagues, X-Men , etc. and we have never engaged. My last attempt was the new stage of Justice League of America . He gave me good vibes and that left more or less at the time of the Identity Crisis and the series began with the same writer, Brad Meltzer and drawn up by one of the artists as I like Ed Benes (although some of his works are to be thrown away as it does for Superman ). So I tried again and the first 13 numbers (including # 0) with Meltzer and Benes me entertained but nothing more. Then came the screenwriter change in # 13 and dance artists, which I hate in this and in any series. One thing is that a holder drawer and then a brace fixed at specific numbers and another thing is getting me dizzy artists through every few minutes.
entertaining I'm not summarizing it happens these 10 numbers and really nothing happens that has not happened before and also stopped collecting the series as number 22, right in the first issue of a new arc and in light of a new dance artists in the series. Just highlight, in my opinion, over these 23 numbers, and more specifically in the last 10 to I read not able to create any kind of chemistry between characters, or at least none that I know feel. The stories are passable and it does highlight the work of all artists (but I repeat that I do not like those dance artists in the ongoing series). Ed Benes shows that when you put the overalls can be one of the best, Joe Benitez it incurs their numbers but for me its not exactly the kind of superheroes, as Carlos Pacheco Always a great job and Van Sciver in your line (I do not like it but to save time I do).
Ultimately, I prefer to follow my heroes are lonely and Batman (which I am about to leave with all conez the return of Bruce Wayne and company ) Moon Knight, Daredevil (to which I have given up XD) and other .
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