Thursday, November 18, 2010

How To Say Congratulation

AWESOME!! First set of official pictures of Game of Thrones

Here is the first set of images Game of Thrones. The images will come in the next print issue of Entertainment Weekly but you can also enjoy here. I regret to say that we can not enjoy them in HD at the moment except for Cersei Tyrion and I have drawn from here. I imagine that soon will all in high resolution so that we may delight.

To me, this, as I have finished completely drool. All they are excellent: Tyrion , Cersei , Samwell , Robert Baratheon , Jaime Lannister incredible ... Much I can say simply that you enjoy the pictures. As I say are almost exactly as I imagined them to read books that is why I do not bother to point out who is who ... fans of the series will recognize instantly.

little details: Set in the detail of the hilt of his sword Jaime Lannister.


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