Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Best Idea For An Aluminum Foil Boat

The pump of the day: A Song of Ice and Fire will be adapted to comic

For if, as George RR Martin announced on your blog an hour ago. It was something I had been coming from two months before the San Diego convention, as Martin dropped on his blog that he had something important to announce at the convention but had to first finalize the details. I guess the details have not been finalized so far and hence the delay. The fact is that Random House / Bantam Books has acquired rights in partnership with Dynamite Entertainment to publish their monthly comics TPBs. In fact Dynamite be responsible for editing the clips and compilations Bantam on TPB. The writer will

Daniel Abraham, who already has experience in adapting Martin trifles of the comic. He took charge of the adaptation Fevre Dream Avatar for and the Hard Call of Wildcards for Dynamite Entertainment. The artist is one such Tommy Patterson who apparently won the job competing with more than a dozen artists from around the world. Among his previous jobs in the world of comics are comics Farscape , The Warriors , Tales from Wonderland, The White Knight, Red Rose and Stingers USA for various publishers.

is expected that the first issue of the monthly series will see the light at the end of next spring. I leave two sketches of the artist where we see John Snow and Tyrion Lannister.

My opinion: cuidadin to adapt this for Song of Ice and Fire the comic is an arduous task. While I have great faith in the series TV, comic adaptation generates fear me. It is my opinion that the work should be performed by a fixed creative team (and those two I do not succeed very fixed) and if apretáis me nuts I would say that for the task of drawing since I just opened my eyes on European artists (such as Xavier Philippe Crusade illustrator and Nomade, Eric Bourgie of servitude , Jaime Calderon or Ruizge ) and I think it's in the French market where the artists who could make the cut in such an Odyssey.


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