A color invariable rules the melancholy inside is a color space of mourning, nothing happens there, no one passes. It sets a scene where I no inert is assisted by the ego that suffers from this inertia. This would free the prisoner, but any attempt fails as Theseus had failed if, in addition to being himself had been, also, the Minotaur, kill him, then, would have required killing. But there are remedies fugitives sexual pleasure, for example, for a short time can erase the silent gallery echoes and mirrors that is the melancholic soul. And again, can light up that room mourning and turn it into a sort of music box with pictures of bright, cheerful colors that dance and sing sweetly. Then when the string runs out, we must return to the stillness and silence. The music box is not a means of comparing price. I think the blues is, in short, a musical problem: a dissonance, rhythm upset. While outside everything happens with a rapid pace cascade, is a slowly exhausted in a drop of water falling from time to time. Hence, this seen from the inside out melancholy seem absurd and unreal, and is "the farce we must all play." But for a moment-either by a wild music, or any drugs, or sex in its most violent, "the incredibly slow pace of melancholy comes not only to be agreed with the external world, but surpasses it unspeakably happy with excess , and the vibe I animated by delirious energy.
Reference: http://www.apocatastasis.com/alejandra-pizarnik-condesa-sangrienta.php # alejandrapizarnikcondesasangrienta_melancolia # ixzz0unUpU4Xm
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