Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Preview: Dungeons & Dragons # 0

The other day I get the number 0 of this new series that kicks off with a No. 1 next November, this time from the hand of the editorial IDW and set in the universe Dungeons and Dragons . I'm really impressed with the work done by Andrea DiVito for this issue. Apparently will be the regular penciller of the series and do not know why I get the feeling that if you stay for a while this could be the work of his career. Well, here you have the advance to whet the appetite. I hope soon to comment on the number that has surprised me a lot in a positive way.

Why Put Faces On Coins

Back in action!

Those who follow the blog regularly guess I have missed ...

The issue is that I have been overwhelmed by work and did not allow for more seeing me in part forced by the casancio to leave a little side blog. From now on (or at least a few days) I hope to have more time to drop me here and Heimdall's Horn.

Sorry for not replying your possible comments.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Australia's Palpitation

NEW 2010: Battlefield Academy CEaW Turno005

This summer we have received one of the coolest new features, this being a pleasant surprise also leaves a good taste in your mouth when you try I do not mean the new ice cream Frigo, no, I mean Battlefield Academy.

I leave my first impression.

Primea What I said to him, what a Arcade!!

And nothing could be further from reality.

At first I believe is between Operation Barbarossa - The Struggle for Russia, which is a wargame for beginners and has not been very successful in these parts, maybe in matrixgames move a little more, I do not know and the Grand Combat Mission or John Tiller's Campaign Series to be these more comprehensive and complex.

But I think it has all the ingredients necessary for wargameros become a very good option and the accompanying editor is not very complex, can cost only the issue of scripts but with a little dedication can think creating scenarios and campaigns without much complication, that's a daunting task as they have to put all things in tile one by one and if you create a scenario of the quality we showed Ostwind because not how long it will cost, may ultimately be born soon see a new collection of scenarios, plus you can create new units and unlock the Axis forces to be playable and have given that second party because I think it has a good future.

For starters, I have given full and have broken all the topics on the theme of the designs of WarGames, it is clear that a game of this family is not needing much graphically, we are experiencing a time when technologies enable soon see movies with actors not real (well they do exist), all with a graphic arts scrotumtightening and instead the wargame remains where it always has been, as an example concerning as, War In The Pacific, John Tiller's Battleground Napoleonic Wars, Combat Mission (if not better considering the comments), John Tiller's Campaign Series, Panzer Campaigns, to name a few, all is not having a super-graphics, but they are the benchmarks of this kind and successful, there have been improvements in some aspects such as wargames Wastelands Interactive (Storm over the Pacific or WW2: Time of Wrath) that give a touch more modern and renovated or improvements Saga HOI, the 3rd installment looks very good and Victoria 2 will also have the same look and do not forget the design of games AGEOD, but when it comes to appearance, I think Battlefield Academy gave the stroke, you only have to look at the pictures, as nothing compared to when they are moving really master a breakthrough for gender, to see if brand chair.

Well if you think like what I thought at first seeing those pictures, because they do not be fooled, nothing arcade.

First, we have a lot of units, also takes into account things like the distance of quadrats (in this wargame does not take the Hexagon, but the subject of the pictures looks better than the Strategic Command WWII ( without discrediting this saga, the Pacific version is really well), the height of the terrain, the terrain (one thing that I liked it and the tile with rocks or stones, you can bet these infantry units These will not see the enemy until in a tile adjacent or closer, then you will see as your unit getting mercilessly attacked enemy casualties, ideal for ambushes and a theme ingredient for our tactical decisions) and their modifiers in the attack / defense (Bukers fortifications, sandbags buildings, hills, rocky, wooded, etc.), the difference of damage depending on the area that receives the impact, this issue does not go only counts if you get a front impact, side or rear, you have to go particularly in small doses of complexity, but enough to be considered a wargame and against another opponent to the track above, then you have to consider if you want to see how you Petan the tanks to the first change, which is very well graphically, as the subject of infantry units, eg 5-man, actually in the field shows the 5 and for each floor you will see how possibly dropping to say is 1 and possibly because he has fallen so low morale that has changed the status to In route (two more wargameros concepts: moral and mood).

And we continue adding more ingredients, action items, these will serve to (in this wargame) move, then there is the issue of shooting, some units 2 shots per turn, in other one (such as mortars), we can shoot only a time or not I'll keep shooting with ammunition for the passive phase for use as a fire of opportunity in which we are attacked and we are defending and it is now when our units also fired the ammunition that we spent on our active duty (the attack), these are all concepts that we see in more complex games, which is closer to the ground Battlefield Academy wargame and makes me retract my call offense Arcade only for images, and that behind these lies a great game.

The subject is well commented, it has interesting things, but what we are, is playable, it's replayable, we right?

And the answer is yes, not only, it is very addictive and a visual feast.

also comes with 3 very completito campaigns (a few scenarios to play them against the AI) and unlike those we see in other games, the AI \u200b\u200bsometimes comes out and makes it very difficult, especially when you before the Tiger or Panther. When you create a scenario to AI you can set different state of behavior, which in some cases get more aggressive or other endurance in the most favorable position and it shows when running a mission, sometimes see how you'll need to try replanteándote tactics and that has gotten used to you left alone on stage.

In this video you can see an example of an attack on a King Tiger so that you can get an idea of \u200b\u200bthose qualities wargameras that gives us this title.

Now, where is the strong point is in the multiplayer, it also has the same system as in FOG with a joy that is all, items in multi BA are very dynamic, it is also simple and orderly, just have to enter, search or challenge our opponent and take the glove, then the item is attached to our tab games in play once or play selected disappear and placed in the shift away from post, also will be sent a notification email to our colleague in office, it will connect when you can and you will see that it is heading, click on the link and loaded, the play, will give end of shift and shift will be sent automatically, just like that, without us having to do us, and between shift and shift can leave comments.

One issue that I finished like is that they have to rely on a service, or company server to PBEM play, which will in a few years when they change or not active problem?, May then someone has currado code to release the files and they can be sent us in a conventional manner.

My first impression, very positive, agile, fast and more than enough ingredients to make an interesting and complex wargame when playing against another opponent. Items

scenario is not very fast with very large, this may be boring for most experts in the field or those who like macro-scenarios with many units, but when BA is not, as it seeks to bring the fun the games run fast and agile, the bad, the scale and duration, and the number of units in the scenario, prevent redo our tactics to try to give return to the battle, we make mistakes if you can not or will not have time to rectify and you're facing a possible defeat.

The ease or rather the non-high complexity of the operator of scenarios and campaigns portend a speedy collection campaigns in the community are already seeing the first units designed, and there are scenarios in which you can choose the German side, the are building more stage, have taken the following enhancements that will provide the next patches:

Increasing the number of scenarios, new units (British paratroops, Wespe German, German Sdkfz 251 / 2 mortar carrier, German 37mm Stielgranate, German FlammPanzer III, M8 Greyhound and more that will emerge), it is expected to bring new objects such as barbed wire, trenches, smoke and even discussed the possibility of creating two-tier structures, let us get you on the ground floor or second floor or above the bell, all this is to be seen.

extensions now remains with the Russians and the Japanese + all that is what happens to the personal.

a wargame light will not leave you unsatisfied, if you are someone we are looking for, direct and sometimes fun rest of the Monsters.

I recommend.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Antiquers Pesis For Juice

ARR (starting with frenzied)


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

8 Months Pregnantvomiting

CEaW Turno004 ARR (starting with frenzied)


A Message To Unwell Person

CEaW Turno003 ARR (starting with frenzied)


Motorola Phone Tools 4.2.

CEaW Turno002 ARR (starting with frenzied )


What Isthe Best Anti Wrinkle Cream In The Uk?

CEaW Turno001 ARR (starting with frenzied) Basic Tutorial



Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Home Security Systems

What feminism?


What is feminism?

Feminism is a social and political movement that formally began in the late eighteenth century but not yet adopted this name, and which is the awareness of women as a group or collective human, oppression , domination and exploitation that have been and are subjected to by the group of males within the patriarchy in its various historical phases of production model, which moves them to action for the release of sex with all the transformations of society that need.

busy to make feminism, feminist women have not worried too much on defining Victoria Sau account in his book "feminist thesaurus" that reproduce a fragmeno as the definition of feminism:

In the Dictionary (patriarchal) Illustrated Language voice awkwardly feminism is defined as follows: "social doctrine that grants women equal capacity and equal rights as men." So brief, false and tendentious is assumed Academy of Language (Patriarchal). The definition itself incurs that against what the feminist struggle, considering that the highest improvement is to elevate women to the category of man as a model, and remove or hide any image of this woman as being active, owner of their own struggle.

Dictionary (patriarchal) Larouse says: "Feminism: A tendency to improve the position of women in society." In an article that are feminist authors and Jacqueline Anne reads: "Feminism is the awareness by women of the oppression they suffer. Oppression is not only economic, legal and sexual, but above all psychological. "(Miscellaneous: The liberation of women, Year Zero). Not all feminists would agree with the latter. A global definition, it can gather all the trends apparent in the heart of feminism could be:

Feminism is a social and political movement that formally began in the late eighteenth century, though without adopting name-and is still involved in raising awareness of women as a group or collective human oppression, domination and exploitation that have been and are subjected to by the group of males within the patriarchy in its various phases historical production model, so the move to action for the release of sex with all the transformations of society that need.

Marcuse says that the feminist movement operates at two levels: one, that of the struggle for full equality in economic, social and cultural terms, another "beyond equality" has as content building a society that is overcoming the dichotomy between men and women, a society with a new reality principle and different. ("Marxism and Feminism.") In a similar line of thought M. Godelier acknowledges that "We focus without reference to social relations in the past." (<<>

In J. R. Evans (feminists) take the history of the term feminism, which emerged first in France (FEMINISM) and adopted in England from 1890 (feminism) in replacement of womanism ("Women"). In Spain the word feminism appears in the literature in 1899, with the book of Adolfo Posada: Feminism, as well as notes Diaz-Plaja Aurora in "Women and the books." Although women had begun to write about women (as Josefa Amar y Concepcion Arenal, for example) were committed by men the first titles containing the word controversy, as in 1901 Romera Navarro out female defense against sexism author of the mental inferiority of women with next book: Test of a feminist philosophy, refutation of Moebius.

The origins of feminism as a collective movement of women must be placed at the beginning of the French Revolution . Among the numerous doleances Cahiers (Notebooks of complaints) that are then published on the occasion of the call of the Estates General, a number of complaints made echo of women, although PM Duhet only guarantees two or written by women themselves, eager change in many ways their situation. In the National Library in Paris these brochures are available, dating from 1788. Sullerot brochure also notes Olympia de Gouges' letters au Peuple "before the" Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Citizen "of the same author. (Histoire de preschool, Feminine in France.)

Source: http://mujeresenred.net